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Unexplained Cases | Residential Haunting

Written by: Darren Dedo
Case Filed: 09/25/19 - Scottsdale, Arizona
Executive Producer: Rick Garner


Some people call it one of the most haunted spots in all of Phoenix. Todd, the homeowner, says he has several ghostly guests who refuse to leave. Mediums and paranormal investigators have told Todd that three spirits are in the house: a little girl, a woman, and an angry man named Paul. My daughter, Caroline, picked up on energy right away. "It just feels anxiousness." 

We quickly learned this was an intelligent haunting as we asked questions and the ghosts answered through our equipment - like the K2 meter and REM Pod. The spirits reached out from the dead via our SLS camera - which uses depth sensory and light protection technology to detect images in a 3D enviornment. It uses infrared dots to help map living - and not so living - objects - mapping them into stick figures. The K2 meter lights up when it detects changes in the electromagnetic field in Todd's home. The REM Pod went off when it detected energy near it. This happened multiple places in the home and garage. 

"So, you can touch his arm, his arm is out there," Todd instructs an apparent entity displaying on the SLS camera. I had two entities on both sides of me. "It stood right next to you. It's right next to you. It's on your right leg."

My hand is very cold.

Todd adds commentary to what he's seeing in the SLS camera, "You have a little girl or a little kids. It has moved now. You have two...right there on each side of you."

I had static static electricity and all the hair on my arm was standing up.

My daughter, Gracie, describes what she's seeing, "It looks like it's dancing!"

"It's jumping around on you," says Todd. "It's touching your hand right now."

I could actually feel this contact. My hand was colder where the entity was touching me. 

Todd explained, "What it is doing is mapping you and mapping the little character next to you. Can you touch his hand that is out? There, it did. It just did."

I thanked the entity. I could feel it...a cold, electric feeling. There was a circular pocket of energy.

Todd continued, "Can you do me a favor? Can you, just so we know it's you, go to the other side to make sure it's you? Can you go touch him on that side?"

The entity responded and appeared to go to my opposite side. 

"It's trying to get around you. It just did. Oh, my gosh, it just did! And it just shut off my SLS!" The power to the SLS camera was drained.

We tried again - this time with Gracie and the little girl came back. "My name is Gracielle but you can call me Gracie."

Todd continued with commentary, "There. It's right next to you on your right. It's right next to you."

"Is it by my hand?" asked Gracie. "It's moving my hand. It's just touching my fingers."

"It's touching the bottom of your fingers right now. It's just grabbing your hand."

While it was active upstairs, it was also active in the garage downstairs. 

"So, Paul is here, isn't he?" asked Todd, trying to connect to the spirit of the little girl or woman. "You're scared of Paul aren't you?" A response over the spiritbox seems to indicate Paul is present. "Hi, Paul. Paul, can you make both of these light up if you are here?" The K2 meters light up. "Thank you, Paul."

Gracie sensed something around her in the corner of the garage. That's when a couple of light anomalies appeared on our video. We determined these were not bugs or dust. 

We also pulled out the EchoVoc and connected with the spirits. "Woman, we haven't heard from you for a while. Can you say hi to us? A female voice seemed to say "hi."

We later heard from who we believed to be Paul but he wasn't nice to Caroline.

"Something just grabbed my back!" Caroline bumped her elbow on a pillar reacting to the contact. "Paul, if you are touching me, I swear to God!"

Gracie stepped in to defend her sister, "Paul, she did not give you permission to touch her! You do not have permission to touch her. Do you understand?"

We went back upstairs and Paul followed us.

Caroline asked "Is there anybody else here?" A male "yes" was heard. Assuming that to be Paul, she asked, "Paul, who is here? Who is with us?"

But we could make out his responses. 

I tried connecting with Paul by using the dosing rods. "Paul if this is you, can you please cross the rods?" The rods cross. "Paul, can you uncross the rods...I want to make sure this is you. Just straight ahead if this is Paul." The rods uncross and point straight ahead. "So, Paul, you are with us right now."

Paul was the only one that would respond to my commands. We never heard from the little girl or woman. But Paul did answer one unique question. "Paul, if you are bald, could you uncross the rods?" The rods uncrossed.

The outside of Todd's home is also haunted. One evening on his way home, he saw and talked to a full body apparition. The girl was there and then was gone.  "I rolled down the window and asked are you ok? She looked at me very sweetly and nicely and said, 'Yeah, I'm fine.' He described her as aged early 20's, wearing jeans and a gray hoody. But it was odd for a woman to be alone on this desolate road at 10:30 at night with no backpack or anything. He returned home and turned on all his front yard lights to guide her path but she never appeared. Todd doesn't know who she was to this day.

From all of the experiences we had at Todd's home - it was very easy to determine that his property is haunted. 


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