Written by: Rick Garner
Case Filed: 7/13/01 - Jackson, Mississippi
Executive Producer: Rick Garner
Case Filed: 7/13/01 - Jackson, Mississippi
Executive Producer: Rick Garner
Paul Hamblin has tried to explain away some of things that go on in his home. He had ignored the occasional bumps and bangs of his fairly modern one-story home until he began to investigate further.
"First, I took some pictures with a digital camera, since I knew NEWSCHANNEL 12 had done this at several locations before. Most of the images didn't have anything...but quite a few had this white wisp of a thing. It wasn't there! It wasn't anything on the lens or on the ceiling. It also moved and wasn't in the same place on different pictures. I had also setup a small tape recorder on my dresser drawer before going to bed one evening. I knew the tape would run for an hour and I went to bed around the time things seemed to happen - about 2 a.m."
He heard the typical sounds we've recorded in haunted locations: thumps on wood very close to the recorder and thumps to the microphone. However, the sound that startled him the most was from a piece of furniture in the room. "In reviewing the tape, I was fast forwarding in preview mode and heard this loud "something." When I played the tape at normal speed, I instantly recognized the sound as a drawer in my chest-of-drawers being pulled out. I've had that thing for 20 years - I know what it sounds like - I know that one of the drawers sticks in place...that's what happened on the tape...the drawer came out, stuck, and came out some more."
After reviewing his tape, we agreed the sound was that of a drawer being pulled out and knowing Hamblin, Darren and I had no reason to doubt his tale. Attempts at video taping the room yielding no conclusive results as automobiles passing by and other household sounds made scientific conclusions impossible.
However, all seemed to be quite during the evening Paul's video camera taped the room. "The sounds don't seem to be limited to the baby's room. I've heard scratches on my bedroom door...slaps on the kitchen table...strange interference on the baby monitor. The wife isn't too interested in going into the baby's room when I'm not home."
Research into the history of the home was inconclusive and we have yet to find any facts that could determine what phenomenon is happening within the Hamblin home.
At this time, this case remains: Unexplained.
These images are quite interesting as they show an object that clearly was not on the lens of the camera, nor was it on the ceiling. It only showed up when a digital picture was taken, as it wasn't seen by the naked eye. It also was in different locations, as noted by the different pictures.

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